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What Values?

December 2004


Political pundits analyzing the 2004 election debacle conclude that Republicans won on “values” issues. They sure couldn’t have won based on their mendacious war-mongering nor their steal-from-the-poor, give-to-the-rich economic policies, so these “values” issues must be politically potent. Many Democratic strategists now urge adoption of a more “values centered” platform in order to be politically competitive with Republicans.


Such a strategy is indeed imperative. But instead of engaging in more “family, flag, and church” sloganeering, opposition must focus on the real and enduring values threatened by current Republican hegemony.


Today’s Republican Party is in… Continue reading

Fundamentalist Error

November 2004


When President Bush attempts to justify his Iraqi mis-adventure, he inevitably claims that he is on the side of justice and truth and that those who oppose him are “evil doers”– or their accomplices. Again and again he reminds the world, you’re either for us, or against us. There is no room for nuance, much less dissent. Though he has learned to avoid the word itself, “crusade” accurately describes the evangelical fervor with which Bush pursues the continued occupation of Iraq. His fanatical zeal can admit no mistakes nor tolerate any criticism.


The Administration paints… Continue reading

Kerry Sucks Less?

October 2004


Perpetual war– that is President Bush’s declared vision for America. We are to arm ourselves to the teeth and initiate first-strike “preemptive” wars with those who might become our enemies. We are to ignore the Geneva Conventions in order to torture and kill enemy prisoners “legally.” The Bill of Rights’ fair and open trials are to be replaced with secret tribunals and off-shore military “justice.” Neighbors are encouraged to report neighbors to secret government hotlines. Any citizen questioning administration policies is to be branded a traitor whose video rentals, library records, and credit card purchases can… Continue reading

Leather Leaders

September 2004


Our society remains bedeviled by the Puritanical notion that sex is wicked. Despite gay liberation’s advances, many people continue to see any sex outside narrow boundaries (with the ideal being a married man and woman having vaginal sex in an attempt to procreate) as intrinsically wrong.


Even folks not quite so uptight often see sex as needing some other redemptive purpose, usually formulated as an aid to building “intimacy” in a “committed relationship.” Sex unredeemed by such a “higher” purpose is still viewed as terribly dangerous. Enormous numbers of people are incarcerated for consensual, mutually… Continue reading

Right on Rites

August 2004


Opposition to gay marriage comes from two primary sources. One source for such opposition comes from gay liberationists who’ve fought to create alternatives to heterosexist norms and expectations. They rightly worry that efforts to access heretofore exclusively heterosexual privileges will stifle gay expression and erode hard-won sexual freedoms. Will unmarried gay people be discriminated against? How are the rights of threesomes and other non-traditional households to be accommodated? Will adultery and fornication laws be used to rein in non-monogamous and promiscuous homosexuals as they have heterosexuals? Will domestic partner benefits be denied to those who refuse… Continue reading

The Torture President

July 2004


It is horrific to learn that the Bush administration has engaged in the systematic torture of prisoners in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the concentration camps of Guantanamo, Cuba. It is also chilling to realize that the majority of those beaten (some to death), attacked by dogs, electro-shocked on their genitals, sodomized with large objects, and made to curse their religion on video are not combatants, but simply among the thousands rounded-up and imprisoned, held indefinitely, with no way to assert their innocence, no hope of a hearing, no date for release– just endless months, or years, of… Continue reading